Saturday, February 4, 2012

Photo Collage: El Bistro/Faenas Hotel...And Biking!

Ok, so we went to this super fabulous restaurant at the Faena Hotel last night in Puerto Madero. It was so fabulous, it deserves 3/4s of a post. My Vancouver friends were right- this hotel and this restaurant specifically were to die for. I have never seen design (both architecture and food design) like this in my life. It.was.amazing. A lot of the food is molecular gastronomy, which my friend Kate explained to me very well last night. After 3 glasses of wine, I forget that beautiful explanation, so here's some info from our good pal Wikipedia. I had heard of it before, but had never tried. GOOD!

Molecular gastronomy is a subdiscipline of food science that seeks to investigate, explain and make practical use of the physical and chemicaltransformations of ingredients that occur while cooking, as well as the social, artistic and technical components of culinary and gastronomic phenomena in general.[4] Molecular gastronomy is a modern style of cooking, which is practiced by both scientists and food professionals in many professional kitchens and labs and takes advantage of many technical innovations from the scientific disciplines.

My pics here:

1st course: Gazpacho with tuna. I never wanted it to end and think I said that about times.
2nd course: Rabbit with a carrot reduction sauce. Never had that before. Um. Wow.
Desserts: Tiramisu & a Watermelon/Tomato/Sorbet concoction.

I wish I took a picture of the menu so you could see the detail of each of these dishes. I'm just not doing it justice!

Real pics here:

A cheap, amazing thing to do in BsAs is to rent bikes for the afternoon. There's a place right near my apartment, and you can rent them for any amounts of time. I did it for 2 hours and it cost $6. At first, I was slightly terrified because people drive with reckless abandon here (you will NEVER hear me say "God Jersey people can't drive ever again. Seriously.)

The bike paths are great here, and we essentially biked a major part of the city, from past Belgrano to Recoleta. If any ya'll want to do this when you come, let's DO IT. Oh, flipflops are not recommended. Learned that the hard way.

When I wasn't busy losing my body weight in sweat (seriously, it's a problem- you lose so much water weight here, it's not even funny), I took a couple pics:

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