Monday, February 6, 2012

What Does Argentina Think Of the Super Bowl?

So Day 2 of this ridiculous fever (I don't think I've had a fever since 1987 so not sure what's up), and I decided to go out and get a paper to see what (if anything), they had to say about the Super Bowl. I thought they might, since it is televised here, and sure enough, I was right. Here's the headline:

Madonna impactó en el Super Bowl

Hizo vibrar a 70 mil personas en Indiana con un potente set de doce minutos.

(Full article from my newspaper here:

Basically the article incredulously asks how Madonna could have only played for 12 minutes. They make a comparison in the article to a River Plate/Boca game (The two major futbol teams here) having a game, and at half-time, having Madonna come out for 12 minutes, only to have the two teams back on the field immediately thereafter. They find it funny that we do this every year with various artists. And they love Madonna. Love. (Who doesn't?)

Random Observation of the Day:
Back to my never ceasing wonderment of the trash collection system here, as I was out getting aforementioned paper, I saw a garbage truck stop on the corner overflowing with a giant pile of trash (20 or so bags, mas o menos), a guy got out, picked one small one up, threw it in the truck and drove away. In 90 degree heat, I question that.

Goal of the Month:
Before I got first fever since '87, I took a bike ride on Saturday and passed the Hippodrome, where horse races and polo matches take place. I gotta get me to a polo match, stat. 

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