Friday, December 16, 2011

Pack It Up, Pack It In

Welcome! Whether you're my best friend or a stranger, I hope this blog will do any of the following: inspire, entertain, help, incite laughter, plan your next trip or just plain give you something to do when you're bored at work.

I am very much looking forward to this trip. It feels like it's been a long time coming and that I've been planning for it for years. (Well, it has been almost a year.) So much has gone into the planning of this trip both on my end and with the support of friends, family, former co-workers and friends of friends. I have a lot of expectations for this trip, but also no expectations at the same time. It's the weirdest feeling, I can assure you!

This blog will chronicle my daily life in Buenos Aires (awkward encounters at the grocery store, of which I am sure there will be many) as well as the many side trips I am taking (Macchu Picchu already in da house!).  I'll try to keep it light, but the road ahead is going to be a little bumpy, especially since I am not fluent in Spanish (YET) and only know one person there. It will be very different from my support group in Los Estados Unidos! Feel free to comment, post, feedback and other misc blog words I don't understand yet and keep in touch! And if I go back after my beautiful sister's wedding in May (looking incredibly likely), plan a visit!

I thank you all for listening, taking the time to read and most of all, for being a friend.


One last view of La Cuidad De Nueva York!